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She carried the weight of the world on her shoulders, but there wasn’t much further to go. The path she had taken was a difficult one; it had impeded her every step of the way. struggling, she continued; carefully watching her steps. She recognised this road, remembered how it felt fleeing in the opposite direction all those years ago. She could feel the adrenaline, hear the thunder of the bombs, still the smell of burning bodies stung her nostrils. ”No, no no stop!” she pleaded to herself. Her lips started to quiver and her eyes seemed to fill. Pushing the thoughts out of her head, one foot in front of the other. She needed to keep going.

Looking around, a shiver fell down her spine like a baby bird out of a nest. The bird seemed to hit the ground as her feet cried out with a crackled cough. With trembling hands, the lady’s gaze dropped. Slowly, she picked up her foot, and as she did, all air got knocked out of her. suddenly submerged in water; cannot breathe. the old lady stands there, and out of her mouth flies a sound, something between a cough and a gasp. her eyes cant tear themselves away, a a tsunami of memories floods her. people running, dying, burning in front of her. it was almost 50 years ago, but something like that doesn’t leave you. it certainly hasn’t left her. the deafening noises fill her ears, and the same tears that fell then are falling now. only this time running away isn’t an option. she has to keep going. slowly, the lady starts again, leaving the pile of bones behind her.

the sun had begun to set. red, orange and pink clouds danced with each other above her. it was as if there were 2 different world coming together; one of peace and love, the other pure destruction and hatred. she admired the beauty above, taken aback for a moment. however, she soon fell back into reality. as she neared the city, more murder, more death. she swallowed nervously as the gates came into sight. she had waited almost 50 years for this. it was her time.

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