
A character in Georges Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm that I admired was Boxer. This is because he was a hard worker and didn’t give up, he always stuck to his morals and didn’t lose himself, and finally, despite every dark moment that took place on the animal farm, he never lost his spirit. I admire boxer for all of this and think him as a character helped me understand the complexity of the novel much more.

Throughout the entire novel, Boxer worked extremely hard. There was not a single time when boxer slacked, even when he may need a break. His determination never faltered, nor did his work ethic. He did the most work when it came to building the windmill, for example, George Orwell says, ”nothing could be achieved without boxer, whose strength seemed equal to all the rest of the animals put together.” Another quote showing how hardworking boxer is in chapter 4, when Boxer split his hoof in he refused to let anyone see or know he was in pain and continued to work, even when Clover and Benjamin said to him ”a horse’s lungs do not last forever.”. They warned him and said he should take a rest; Boxer refused. This not only shows how hard Boxer was working, but also that without him, jobs and things needing to get done around the farm, such as the windmill, would not get done. These quotes show me how important Boxer as a  character was, and how much he changed the novel. Boxers determination and diligent work ethic relates to real life and the real world as he represents people who are really passionate for what are doing. An example of someone like this could be a student going to medical school. In the U.K., it can take up to 16 years before qualifying. To be able to stick with training for 16 years takes a lot of hard work and determination, the same hard work and determination shown by Boxer throughout the novel. His work ethic and determination continued to grow as the novel went on. the way he never stopped working or gave up shows me how much he needed a better future. he was so passionate about this, and worked so hard for it. While other animals were fighting for power, Boxer was working. Not only was he working for himself, but for the other animals too. He wasn’t the only animal who was going to benefit form the windmill; they all were. Boxer working so hard for himself and others also portrays how he wanted unity amongst the animals, but how he was the only one willing to work for it. Throughout the entire journey of the animal farm, he didn’t take a break or slack but continued to keep going and work for the future he wanted, and I admire that.

Boxer stuck to his morals and never wanted any harm nor violence. Whether it was towards animals, the farm or even humans, he never wanted the result to be violence. The fact that other animals were acting in a violent manner never made him change from the caring horse he was. Boxer was never influenced by the actions of others, and if he did do something that caused harm, he would immediately regret it because that’s not who he was. For example, during the Battle of the Cowshed, Boxer killed a man. His response to his actions, although accidental, were, ”I have no wish to take a life, not even a humans life.” George orwell uses this to show that Boxer was very upset at the fact he killed someone, even as the other animals are telling him it ok. The other animals trying to comfort him also add to the idea that they all had different morals and values, but Boxer not being influenced by any of them. as the animals try to convince him that killing the man was the right thing to do, Snowball even goes as far to say ”the only good human is a dead one.” Putting in Snowballs quote emphasises how caring, loving and compassionate Boxer really is. It also sheds light on how different he is to some of the other animals. Although all the animals wanted the one goal – the animal farm to be theirs – they all had different morals and ways they personally would contribute; Boxers being not wanting any harm to come to anyone or anything. This can also relate to the real world, for example, during the Black Civil Rights period in the U.S.A.. Everyone wanted the same ending; they all had their eyes set on equality. However, there were many different ways different people and groups were out to get this. Some used violence. Others used protests, siti ins and marches. A few took economic stands. There were many distinct approaches to achieving what they were going for. Just the the animals in Animal Farm, there were many different mindsets to achieving their goal. Some, like Napoleon and the dogs, used violence, whilst those like Boxer and Clover had kind hearts. Boxer being able to stay true to himself and be so real shows me how passionate he is and how much he wants his future to be what he dreams of. He symbolises a beacon of light, a beacon of hope. To not let this die, he continues to stay true to himself and be who he always was; kind, caring and loving. Without him and hs light, the farm would be so miserabl, and would continually being plummeting into darkness. boxer, by sticking to his morals and causing no harm, helps stop this from happening. I definitely admire the way that boxer stuck with his morals and tried his very best to avoid hurting others until the very end.

Despite every horrible thing that happened on the animal farm, Boxer never lost his spirit. He could have easily have given up, lost hope or changed into someone he wasn’t, but he didn’t. Instead, he pushed through all the horrors for the hope of a better tomorrow; one he sadly did not get. Throughout the entire novel, boxer chased his dreams and didn’t lose his fire, his hope or his spirit. Boxer never seemed to let any of the horrific events that took place on the farm bother him. For example, after Napoleon slaughtered animals for ‘crimes’ they committed, all the remaining animals ”…crept away in a body. They were shaken and miserable…”. however, later on, Boxer is said to have been the only animal still standing afterwards. George Orwell chose to show Boxer like this to show his spirit has not faltered. This use of words, ‘Still Standing’, have been used many times before, an example being in Elton John’s famous song ‘I’m still standing’. The lyrics go, ”Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever did. Looking like a true survivor..” This song can relate to boxers spirit. He never lets himself nor his spirit get crushed. Through thick and thin, he continues to stay standing and does not ever give up, change or lose hope. He continually pushes through in hope of seeing a bright future for the farm and the animals. The fact that he never lost his spirit helped me understand the novel more from a different viewpoint. Suddenly, Animal Farm wasn’t all about power, but rather hope. Hope for a loving farm, with loving and kind animals and leaders. There is much more to the novel than just a constant competition for power. Animal Farm has much more to it than what is on the surface and Boxer as a character helped me realise this through his willpower and the fact that he never lost hope, his spirit or himself.

In conclusion, the character I admired most from George Orwell’s novel ‘Animal Farm’ was Boxer. Not only was he selfless and kind, but hardworking and passionate. He stayed true to himself and, unlike other characters, didn’t deteriorate into someone he wasn’t. He simply wanted a better future for the animals and himself. He never lost hope or himself, despite each and every horrid thing that took place on the farm. These points helped me understand the novel a lot more because of the complex character he was. his story and dreams allowed me to understand the novel from a different perspective. I definitely admire Boxer as a character and am very glad he was in the novel.


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Hi Emily,

You’ve made a really strong connection between the novel and the civil rights movement here. However you haven’t done the same in the first paragraph. Also for much of the essay so far you are providing just a break down of things Boxer does in the novel. The essay need to be about how you felt about the character and how those feelings helped you understand the novel’s themes, symbolism and setting etc.

Hi Emily,

In your introduction you need to briefly outline how your feelings towards Boxer help you understand the novel, not just that it does. Try identifying language features like metaphors, similes and personifications to help reinforce your points as well. Make sure you keep bringing it back to the question, how did your feelings help you understand the novel.

Hi Emily,

You have some really strong points in each of your paragraphs, however they become a little unclear at times. You also need to discuss how your feelings towards Boxer helped you to understand the novel as a whole, meaning aspects like themes and symbolism. At the moment you are doing a very good job at describing the character of Boxer and outlining why you liked him, but you are not saying how he increased your understanding of the novel. Fantastic links to the outside world, showing you do have deeper levels of understanding of the character. You just need to extend a little bit more into the novel as a whole. Also pay closer attention to your spelling and grammar as well.

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